The Patio Remodel
I can’t put it off any longer. The elements have hammered the old patio to the point that it’s not just ugly, it’s unsafe.

I did a brief attack in the summer of 2020, then paused for cooler months and so save up some funding for such a big project. The pandemic delayed the materials until early 2021. Now, it’s a race to see how much I can get done on the weekends before summer hits.
Narrator: … it would not be completed by the time summer hit. Not. Even. Close.
This is a big project friends, more than meets the eye. Fun, fun, fun!
Start at the bottom for the beginning.
Patio Remodel: Episode 11 After months of prep work and repair, I’m finally starting the build of the monstrous, 20 x 20 Alumawood patio cover. From the six original wooden supports to only two steel, it’s going to be a wide-open space!
Patio Remodel: Episode 10 A simple slot in the wall turned into a mess of electrical wiring wierdness. I had to take time out of planned work to tear into the wall to fix everything.
Patio Remodel Chapter 9: I’m tearing down the remains of the rickety old patio roof. Damaged beyond repair with dry-rot and insect damage, it’s past time to demolition.
Patio Remodel: Episode 8: I'm pouring two massive cubes of concrete, nearly two and a half feet thick beneath the patio.
Patio Remodel: Episode 7 I’m going subterranean in my effort to build footings for the new patio cover. Going down!!!
Patio Remodel: Episode 6 Going from six, wooden support columns to two steel columns is going to take some really big concrete footings to support the new roof. I’m burrowing through the existing patio, cutting concrete, and busting it up.
Patio Remodel: Episode 5 The rusting pool fence needs to come down, so I’m bringing out a new tool to deal with the rusted bolts.
Patio Remodel: Episode 4 I’m ripping the lid off the project so there’s no turning back now. The first half of the patio cover is coming down!!!
Patio Remodel: Episode 3 The next major project is the patio remodel. I’ve finally got a plan to replace the ancient wood and fiberglass monstrosity.
Patio Remodel: Episode 2 The patio roof’s support posts are in rough shape. I have to pause demolition and planning to come up with a temporary fix.
Patio Remodel: Episode 1 Our old, weather-beaten and rotting patio needs a face-lift and a ton of repair. I’m getting started with some demo.
Patio Remodel: Episode 12 The new Alumawood patio cover needs to attach to something. I’m preparing the wall and attaching the hanger system.